The best dog training collar depends on the trainer, the task, and the dog. This article focuses on dog collars for leash training that are not electronic, since most vets do not advocate using shock or e-collars. Every dog trainer has a collar preference for best dog training collar, so if you are working with […]
What type of collar is best for your dog? It all comes down to your dogs age, breed, behavior and walking needs. So start with a list of these characteristics first. Then consider “human” factors like aesthetics, colors and design appeal. The type of collar that is best will be one that keeps your dog […]
Choosing a Collar Color for Your Dog Choosing collar color that looks good on your dog can be tough, and even tougher when you have as many choices as there is in dog collars today. So what collar color should you choose for your dog? Keep in mind that colors that appeal to you may […]
There is nothing harder than losing your dog, especially if they’ve been your companion for many years. Even harder is finding a way to keep their memory alive after they’ve passed. Whether you’ve had one or several dogs in your lifetime, here’s some dog memorial ideas for honoring your best friend and the companionship you […]
An engraved metal tag attached to your dog’s collar is the best dog I.D. tag you can have. You can all me old-fashioned. I do believe microchipping is helpful, particularly in cases of theft. But I’m not confident that a QR tag with help with getting a lost dog home. Let me give you a […]
Compliment Your Irish Dogs Coat with a Beautiful Collar. For those that have Irish Dogs (or are planning to get one), you want their pure Irish beauty so shine. What better way to do this than through their collar? While you might think that an Irish Dog should wear an Irish Dog Collar, that’s not […]